
The preparation of the strategy started in 2011.

The preparation of the strategy was started in 2011.

The primary goal of preparing the Logistics Sector Policy Strategy (2014-20) (hereinafter: Strategy) was to come up with a strategic plan accepted by both the Government and the trade and harmonised with the related strategies (National Transport Strategy, National Development 2020, New Széchenyi Plan) as well as international expectations, treating logistics properly for its economic weight, which, if implemented, may make a substantial contribution to increasing employment and capital expenditure as well as improving Hungary’s competitiveness.

The decision to draft the Strategy was made in Government Resolution no. 1157/2013 and the Government adopted the Strategy. The direct preface to drafting the strategy was the need of the Ministry for National Economy for the compilation of sectoral strategies. In addition to their own active professional participation, IFKA Iparfejlesztési Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft (IFKA Industrial Public Benefit Not-for-profit Ltd.) (IFKA) and Logisztikai Egyeztető Fórum (Logistics Consultation Forum) (LEF) made it possible to mobilise and involve professional organisations.

The final document can be downloaded by clicking here .

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